
Fat Loss Vs Weight Loss

Cutting calories and increasing the calorie-burning rate removes the extra body fat. But when you measure your weight or fat, you end up being the same as before. It means that all your hard work is going to waste somehow.

Weight loss is one of the common trends in youth to be fit and fine. Strict diets and rigorous workouts become tough decisions. If not chosen unwisely can lead to health risks.

The problems may occur because you must be confused about whether you want to lose weight or fat.

This article will eliminate all your doubts regarding weight loss and fat loss. 

What Is Weight Loss And Fat Loss?

It refers to decreasing overall body muscle and fat. It includes loss in fluids, body fats, lean body mass, tissues, etc.

Weight Loss

It is of two types:

  • Intentional weight loss
  • Unintentional weight loss

Intentional weight loss –  The weight loss is voluntary. Reduces health risks and problems such as depression, hypertension, obesity, and importantly they stay fit and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Unintentional weight loss- The weight loss is not intentional. It occurs due to malnutrition(inadequate nutritious food and a balanced diet), hormonal changes, and some after-effects of diseases and treatment.

Unintentional weight loss can deteriorate health and affect muscle flexibility. The healing capacity of the body and the immune response also gets worse.

Fat Loss: 

It is an energy storage depot. It is present under the skin, body cavity, and abdomen areas. Fat loss refers to the loss of weight from body fats. You can lose fats by adding muscle mass and storing your lean body mass. It promotes losing weight while maintaining body muscle. A proper balanced and nutritional diet is needed to lose fat.

Difference Between Weight Loss And Fat Loss

1. Weight loss is a loss of overall body fats, water, and muscle and fat loss is a loss of extra bulky fat.

2. Weight Loss only focuses on cardio. Weight training, cardio and proper sleep are the main concern for Fat loss

3. Weight Loss decreases metabolic rate in the body but, Fat loss increases it

4. In comparison to Fat loss, weight decreases the strength and fitness level of the body.

5. Weight Loss reduces immunity. Fat loss helps to reduce the risk of diseases like heart attack, obesity, etc.

6. Weight loss results are temporary, Fat loss results are permanent.

7. Crash dieting in weight loss leaves poor eating habits. Fat loss does not have any such diets and focuses on proper nutrition.

8. Weight loss increases early aging. Fat loss promotes delayed aging.

Negative Impacts Of Body Fats

Excess fat not only ruins your personality but also affects your health.

Let us know how body fats affect and cause risk to our body.

  • Body fats worsen and imbalance the hormonal change. 
  • Weight gain is also an issue of extra body fat.
  •  Fat reduces and slows down liver functionality, causing type2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
  • The unwanted fats lead to diseases like heart attack, brain stroke, osteoarthritis, fatty liver, hypertension and cancer.
  • It also increases vision loss problems in the old aged person.
  • Extra fat in the body makes you lazy and a couch potato.
  • Being overweight can develop fragile bones.

How To Measure Fat And Weight Loss?

The methods to measure fat and weight loss are either not sufficiently adequate. It can be highly complicated and expensive.

Let us have a look at different ways to measure fat loss:

1. BMI – Body mass index (BMI)helps measure a person's body fat based on height and weight. It can determine any health-related issues you may face in future

2. Tape measure – It helps to measure body fat accurately. To keep track of your weight loss, you can use it daily, weekly, or monthly. Fitness trainers use it more often.

3. Calipers -It uses skin folds to estimate body fats. It can measure only subcutaneous body fats. Highly accurate than anybody's fat scale.

4. Body fat scales– this tool helps in estimating weight and body fat percentage. It determines if you have a healthy fat-to-muscle ratio or not.

What Is Beneficial: Fat Loss Or Weight Loss?

Fat loss and weight loss, both the terms are crucial in their way. For looking slim and trim, most people go for weight loss. But fat loss is considered one of the safest and healthy for the body. While reading the difference between both terms, you must have understood that fat loss is more beneficial than weight loss.

Rapid weight loss can result in health issues like heart attack, diabetes, etc. So, it is better to go for fat loss instead of weight loss.

Points To Ponder To Maintain Body Fats And Muscle For Losing Fat 

As you got the terms weight loss and fat loss, try to keep some points in mind to maintain body fats.

1. Extra Protein Intake 

According to scientific research, proteins are one of the three macronutrients of a balanced diet. It helps to reduce appetite and hunger levels in the human body.

When you consume protein, the level of peptide YY( named hormone) increases and makes your tummy feel full. If you want to lose fat, make sure that your body gets surplus amounts of protein from your food. Egg meat or fish are the sources of proteins. Protein also increases the metabolism rate and fat burning rate.

2. Exercise daily but rest too 

For maintaining body fat or losing weight, exercises and workouts are essential. Physical activities and exercises like cardio, weight lifting, running, or walking help burn large amounts of calories. But when the body keeps on working without proper rest and sleep, you feel uneasiness and fatigued. The body may get swollen which can also lead to health issues. 

So, do not be harsh on yourself. Try to take a rest and make your body relax.

3. Don't be a night owl

It is rightly said, Early to bed and early to rise to make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. When you start your day early, your mind and body organs get stimulated with positivity, and the entire day you feel happy and energized. But when you wake up late in the morning, your joyful ambiance gets affected by that, making you feel lazy and sleepy all the time. Therefore, start your workout early in the morning. So, try to sleep and wake up on time without further delay.

4. Add fluid to your diet and stay hydrated

Water is one of the essential materials for life and the human body. When you go gymming and exercising, a large amount of water comes out from your body in the form of sweat. When the excess fluid is released, the dehydration in the body makes you feel uneasy and unfit. Dehydration affects the performance of your exercising and deteriorates your health. Try to intake water in a large amount in different forms like green tea, juices, etc. You can start with one liter of water.

5. Try to limit and avoid refined carbohydrates

Sugar, soda, processed and packed food, and snacks are the common source of refined carbohydrates. These unhealthy foods crave you to eat more which can result in obesity. Its high consumption can cause type 2 diabetes and sometimes can also be life-threatening. If you intake carbohydrates, try to go for a healthy -diet of carbohydrates, for example, vegetables, legumes, fruits, oats, maize, barley, etc.

6. Consult a doctor before taking any supplement

A supplement is a type of medicine, manufactured product consumed orally to supplement the diet. It contains vitamins, herbs, enzymes, and other ingredients of nutrients. It completes the nutrition that a balanced diet does not fulfill the requirement needed by the body while losing or gaining weight. Do not forget to consult your doctor and then take the advised supplement required for your body.


Focussing on fat loss may be effective rather than weight loss. Fat loss is healthier than losing weight. Fat loss not only improves body composition but also improves health risk. Before directly plunging into weight or fat loss, consult your doctor or a fitness trainer.

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