
Best Self-help books for women: Ladies, give it a shot!

Being a woman is not easy. She plays different roles such as mother, sister, wife, daughter, and grandmother at the same time. In fact, she also tries to maintain her personal life and professional life. In this, there comes a situation she faces during comparison of her body, complexity, race, and culture. She is often judged for her capabilities and compliance. 

Sometimes, it is difficult for her to deal with loss and grief. These unusual scenarios make the woman demotivated, discouraged, hopeless, sad, and helpless. To change the focus from the sad side of life, I have selected some best-sellers written by the famous writers of the world that will lift you up.

These self-help books for women can help you tackle your goals or aims, overcome the difficult situations and obstacles of life, help to take self-care, and be organized. So are you ready to get refreshed and recharged? Take a small step to celebrate the joy of your life and read these self-help books that I chose especially for you all.

Self Help Books for Women

1. Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Who is the book for?

The self-help book is for those who doubt themselves and think that they cannot achieve their aim or goal (dancing, cooking, writing, sports games, speaking, etc.). This fascinating book encourages them to follow their passion without giving up. Most importantly it teaches you to live in the moment and enjoy life. 

Key Takeaways of the book

  • Obstacles in one's life merely are obstacles, not blockades.
  • When you want something in life, the universe conspires to make your dream come true.
  • Fear of failure stops you from succeeding in your aim.
  • Focus on your journey because each person has a destination to follow.
  • You are the owner of your life.

Quotes from the book

  • “No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn't know it”.
  • “People are capable at any time in their lives of doing what they dream of.”
  • “Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him.”

2. Becoming by Michelle Obama

Who is the book for?

Becoming is a book for those women who are hopeless in life, the relationship that is not working, upset about being a woman, and have difficulty managing work life and personal life. The life of Michelle Obama and her journey will teach you to keep on going without worrying about others’ opinions. 

Key Takeaways of the book

  • One should never hesitate to seek help. It's okay to admit that you need it.
  • Listen to your inner voice as others' opinions can cost you your loved one.
  • If someone is madly in love in their marriage doesn't mean it does not need effort. All marriages need maintenance.
  • Don't evaluate your partner based on their income; instead, focus on who they actually are.
  • If you continuously work on your goal, your hard work will pay you back.

Quotes from the book

  • “Inspiration on its own was shallow; you have to back it up with hard work.”
  • “Becoming is never giving up on the idea that there's more growing to be done.”
  • “You may live in the world as it is, but you can still work to create the world as it should be.”

3. Beauty Redefined by Seline Shenoy

Who is the book for?

Beauty redefined is a self-help book for those women who keep asking questions to themselves, such as Am I good enough? Do I look okay? Will people talk to me? What if someone makes fun of my style? By reading this fantastic book by Seline Shenoy, you will feel empowered and encouraged. It will also help you to understand that you are unique and beautiful. No matter you are fat, skinny, have a dark complexion, or are of different origin, you are a beautiful woman.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • Every woman is beautiful in her way.
  • Do not compare your lifestyle with others.
  • Be the real you. Don’t wear a mask of being another person because no one is perfect.
  • Embrace your body, color, and your good nature.
  • Don’t let criticism destroy your inner peace.

Quotes from the book

  • “True beauty exudes empathy and kindness. She is curious about others and shows sincere interest in their lives. She aims to make others feel as opposed to getting others to make her feel the same way”.
  • “Because the truth is, if you keep chasing aesthetic perfection to please others, you will not experience a sense of internal peace that comes from genuine self-acceptance.”

4. More Than Enough by Elaine Welteroth

Who is the book for?

This self-help book is for those who self-doubt their ability and capabilities. More than enough is an ultimate guide for women to embrace their struggling life and situations. This will help all the girls to be strong and independent. No fear or problem is stronger than you.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • Surround yourself with the company of those people who motivate and push you to move forward and pursue your dreams.
  • Maintain a balance between your personal life and work life. 
  • Don’t follow others' paths. Everybody has their destination.
  • Be happy and take care of yourself.
  • You deserve to be real.

Quotes from the book

  • “When the world tells you to shrink, expand.”
  • “Discovering what you don't want is just as important as finding out what you do.”
  • “Sometimes just being yourself is the radial act. When you occupy space in systems that weren't built for you. Your authenticity is your activism”.

5. Keep Moving by Maggie Smith

Who is the book for?

This bestseller self-help book will guide how to move continuously whether the situation is in favor or not. Life is all about dealing with loss, grief, and pain. Keep moving by Maggie Smith will teach you to be unstoppable and lead a happy journey in your life. By reading this piece, you will feel encouraged and inspired.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • Don’t think about the past as it cannot be changed.
  • Celebrate the beauty and strength of your life.
  • Focus on the opportunities for transformation.
  • Do not stop working on your goal.
  • Stay healthy and happy.

Quotes from the book

  • “Don't wait for your life to come together magically- it's your work. Every day, every moment, you are making your life from scratch.”
  • “Be brave enough to ask for help when you need it. There is no merit badge for doing all the hard things alone. Reach out”.

6. Light Is The New Black by Rebecca Campbell

Who is the book for?

This spirituality book is for women to relax their minds and find their inner souls. It helps to change the perspective of seeing the world from negative to positive. Light is the new black is an eye-opener full of new insights. It allows you to find answers to your calling souls.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • Connect with your light and align your soul.
  • See the world with an optimistic approach.
  • Rediscover your life and let your soul be lightened.
  • Accept your failure and struggles and believe in positivity.

Quotes from the book

  • “Follow what lights you up, and you'll light up the world.”
  • “Don't square your amazingness into a square box. Take all the space you need and spill over the sides”.
  • “Let your vibration do the talking for you.”

7. The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Who is the book for?

The happiness project is a fantastic self-help book for those who believe their life is not worth living. This self-help book will teach you how to love yourself, be happy, and bring happiness to your life. It will create a positive vision to enjoy your life with joy and enthusiasm.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • Do not rely on others for happiness. Be yourself the reason for it.
  • Your health matters. Wake up early, eat healthy, sleep on time and do exercises.
  • Be grateful for what you have. Thinking about things to be less or more will make you sad.
  • Be a part of growth. Don’t settle down. Even if you fall, take the courage to stand up and continue. Try to create an atmosphere of growth.
  •  Always remember days are long and years are short. When it ends, we can’t predict.

Quotes from the book

  • “What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.”
  • “The days are longer, but the years are short.”
  • “Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail, but every day is a clean slate and a fresh opportunity.”

8. After the Rain by Alexandra Elle

Who is the book for?

This self-help book helps women self-love and discover that there is always sunshine after the heavy rain. It is a great book to take lessons about living life and tackling the painful relationship, difficult childhood memories, and single parenting. “After the Rain” is the best book for women to deal with and overcome the hard times of life.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • Embrace the beauty of each opportunity that life offers you.
  • Don’t let your past ruin your today.
  • Love yourself and self-care.
  • Do not fear. Face the music with strong willpower.
  • Be patient, calm, and relaxed.

Quotes from the book

  • “Letting go teaches me that I am not lacking, but receiving, I am acquiring knowledge, resilience, and room in my heart for something great.”
  • “I understand that in order to make space for healing, all things must be rooted in love, not in fear.”
  • “I am being patient and giving myself permission to start over as many times as I need to.”

9. Women & Money by Suze Orman

Who is the book for?

This self-help book teaches you your importance in society. Women and Money by Suze Orman is the best-selling book that defines the connection between women and money. It tells you how to build connections and be powerful, be self-dependent, and guide your children to save and utilize it.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • Power attracts money, and powerlessness repels it. To be powerful, build connections.
  • Financial decisions reflect your life.
  • It's you who defines money, it doesn’t define you.
  • Debt is the root cause of powerlessness.

Quotes from the book

  • “How we behave toward our money, how we treat our money, speaks volumes about how we perceive and value ourselves. If we aren't powerful with money, we aren't powerful period”.
  • “When you value yourself enough to reject a bad situation, you are being powerful, and that power motivates you to find a better job.”

10. Atomic Habits by James Clear

Who is the book for?

This self-help book is for those struggling with overcoming their bad habits for a longer period of time. Atomic habits guide people to reframe their minds and work on the habits they want to change. It encourages women to take the first step and continue until it is accomplished.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • Put all your efforts and energy into a particular goal. Set a schedule and restrict all things that hinder your progress.
  • Do not repeat your mistakes. Otherwise, your efforts will get wasted.
  • Take small steps instead of jumping long ones.
  • Enjoy the struggle and focus on your working system.
  • Ask questions to yourself before setting a goal- why? when? What? and how?

Quotes from the book

  • “Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress.”
  • “Be the designer of your world and not merely the consumer of it.”
  • “Success is a product of daily habits, not once in a lifetime transformation.”

11. Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Who is the book for?

This spirituality book is for women who are confused about their lives, goals, thoughts, and vision. The book takes you on your life journey and helps you discover the real meaning of living a life.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • Always be ready to accept the things that are not in your control.
  • It's the attitude that cannot be stolen from a person's life.
  • There is a deep meaning behind each suffering.
  • A sense of humor and happiness changes your vision of the world.
  • Don’t judge a person in a difficult situation; everyone has a positive side.

Quotes from the book

  • Everything can be taken from a man but one thing from the last of human freedoms- to choose one's attitude any given set of circumstances, to choose one's one way”.
  • “When we can no longer change situations, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
  • “Happiness cannot be pursued, it must ensure.”

12. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

Who is the book for?

Daring Greatly is a self help book a woman must read who finds difficulty in struggling and dealing with tough times. It teaches different methods to remain calm and composed in almost all situations. It is a great book that gives courage and assertiveness to be bold.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • It's okay to be vulnerable. Don’t be ashamed of your weaknesses and emotional behavior.
  • Open up yourself and share your feelings with others. Do not hesitate to seek help.
  • Repeat and do not discontinue until it is not achieved.
  • Every bad moment vanishes with time. Try not to recall them.
  • Take advice but also perform actions.

Quotes from the book

  • “Empathy is a strange and powerful thing. There is no script. There is no right way or wrong way to do it. It's simply listening, holding space, withholding judgment, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly healing message of “You're not alone”.
  • “What we know matters, but who we are matters more.”
  • “When we pretend that we can avoid vulnerability, we engage in behavior that is often inconsistent with who we want to be.”

13. Deep Work by Cal Newport

Who is the book for?

Women who fail to focus and have difficulty doing work effectively must read this book with no doubts. This book helps you build skills to concentrate and produce effective work in less time. It charges your body and fills you with motivation and desire to complete the task.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • To improve your ability to concentrate, give some precious time to nature.
  • To learn and understand hard things quickly, you have to focus and stay away from distractions.
  • Be productive, not busy.
  • Enjoy your work and job as a craft activity.
  • Be disciplined and follow a routine.

Quotes from the book

  • “If you don't produce, you won't thrive, no matter how skilled or talented you are.”
  • “To simply wait and be bored has become a novel experience in modern life, but it's incredibly valuable from the perspective of concentration training.”
  • “There is a middle ground, and if you are interested in developing a deep work habit, you must fight to get there.”

14. Who moved my Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

Who is the book for?

The author amazingly writes this self-help book to deal with the inevitable changes that come in life. It teaches us to have an attitude to accept changes and focus on success. The book is relatable to real-life so that the woman can understand and apply it in her life.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • Enjoy and embrace changes. Don’t be sad about it, who knows, it can bring an unexpected gift.
  • Do not forget to monitor your changes in life.
  • Be adaptable to the situation.
  • Plan and act accordingly.
  • Learn to enjoy a little happiness.

Quotes from the book

  • “Being in the uncomfortable zone is much better than staying in the cheeseless situation.”
  • “Smell the cheese often, so you know when it is getting old.”
  • “If you don't change, you can become extinct.”

15. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Who is the book for?

Big Magic is a great self-help book for women who forget that all the creativity lies within them. This book gives direction, enchantment, motivation, trust, persistence, and courage to lead a life in your way. By reading this book, one can reframe their mind to become a highly effective and creative person.

Key Takeaways of the book

  • You don’t need any permission to show your skill and your creativity. Don’t rely on people’s opinions.
  • If something goes wrong, your mood ruins. Tell yourself it doesn’t matter and let it go.
  • Your dreams should not have a deadline. It should be endless.
  • To move on from failure, focus and work on it continuously.
  • There is magic within you, it's always been.

Quotes from the book

  • “It's a simple and generous rule of life that you will improve at whatever you practice.”
  • “You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your success or failures.”
  • “Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your fascinations, obsession and compulsion. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart”.


If you are one of those women who are discouraged and unmotivated and you feel you are misguided from life and your aim, don’t worry. The above suggestions of self-help books will bring you to track by letting you explore your life. If it doesn’t work, do not hesitate to seek help from professionals.













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