
Best Zero Calorie Syrup

If you love pancakes and waffles as much as I do then you, like me, have been on a search for a delicious Zero Point Syrup. Besides that I wanted a syrup I could add to coffee or tea, a syrup that I could add that would taste great and my wife and I could enjoy without starting the day with added points. That's right I wanted Zero-Point flavored Syrups also. Was that asking too much? I don't think so, and the hunt was on.

The Best Taste and Zero Points

Best Zero Point Syrup

A quick internet search turns up a few really good choices but which one is the best? I am looking for great, fantastic, out of this world taste! I want it to taste like it has everything in it. I do not want to be able to tell the difference between the zero point alternative and the original. Very very hard standards to live up to. So I bought one of the top results and I got lucky. I found one that checked all of the boxes right off. We will get to that in a minute 🙂

Why a Syrup and not a Zero Calorie Sweetener?

I wanted a versatile syrup, what I mean is I want a syrup company that makes syrups for every situation. I know I am picky. I have tried different low-calorie sweeteners and found that although I can deal with it, I don't really enjoy them. The after taste was something I had to get used to. I wanted a syrup also because I wanted something that blended well and sometimes a granulated sweetener is not the answer. Powdered monk fruit was a better option until I came upon this diamond in the rough.

Zero Point Syrup

My Four Favorites 🙂

Now for the good stuff 🙂 The syrups I found that were absolutely amazing are called Jordans Skinny Syrups. With 50 unique and delicious flavors, they truly have a flavor for every occasion. Anything from making a caramel flavored iced coffee for my wife to adding a little something extra to my banana bread, Jordans has you covered. the syrups are delicious I mean over the top delicious. I couldn't believe how good they tasted. They are 0, zilch, nada, no points. no sugar no calories no points. But man they are FULL flavored. I mean delicious.

No Aftertaste

Jordan's Skinny Syrups have no after taste. At least to me, they didn't. I have 4 that I keep on hand at all times and for the holidays, which are right around the corner, I will have a few more in my kitchen. The 4 I have on hand are Mocha, Vanilla, Salted Caramel, and Iced Cinnamon Roll.

Jordan's Skinny Mocha

Jordan's Skinny Mocha I keep for making my wife and 13-year-old daughter iced coffees. They both love chocolate and can not get enough of the mocha flavoring. When our 13-year-old loved it I knew I had a hit on my hands and I had to share with you all.

Jordan's Skinny Vanilla

Jordan's Skinny Syrups

Jordan's Skinny Vanilla syrup, I keep for cooking with and my coffee sometimes. I love the vanilla flavor for banana bread as well as flavoring oatmeal and if you are making your own homemade ice cream you are in for a treat. Use this syrup to add flavor with no added points. I add this one to Kodiak pancakes and french toast. You can't go wrong with owning Jordan's skinny vanilla syrup.

Jordan's Salted Caramel

For my coffee most days I enjoy Jordan's Salted Caramel. You can add a few pumps of this syrup to a bowl of ice cream for a delectable low point treat. Anytime you are making a recipe that calls for vanilla flavor add salted caramel instead for a different taste. Guaranteed to add a new kick to old recipes as well. But hold on to your hats folks the best, in my opinion, is the one I saved for last 🙂

Iced Cinnamon Roll

Oh yes, you heard that right. Jordan's has an Iced Cinnamon Roll syrup that taste just like Pillsbury cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven. I am not being paid by either company to tell you that. Want another hack? Mix it with yogurt and freeze it to make cinnamon ice cream. FroYo anyone? I have tried these syrups and these are my top 4. there are 46 more flavors to try and I am sure you will love them all. Ready for a flavor hack? I mixed Iced Cinnamon roll and Mocha in my wife's coffee one morning, and she was head over heels with joy. She loved it so much I had to share so all of you iced granita lovers out there who just can't get enough of your caramel and chocolate together this one is for you. Enjoy

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