
How to Make Walking Fun

Are you the person that knows you should be walking more but just can't seem to Get moving again? Does walking seem like a chore? Try these simple,easy to do tricks to make walking fun and to get you moving towards your goal.

How to Make Walking Fun

Do you have FitBit yet? Here is how to get to that 10k step goal this week.

Set Goals

How do you make walking fun? Some people love to run or walk, and to others it is the worst exercise out there. Walking can be fun if you give yourself incentives for a job well done. It’s all about your mindset. Walking doesn’t have to be boring or a chore, there are many different ways you can make walking a more exciting part of your workout routine.

walking with friends


Find a friend to walk with; this can be one of the best ways to make the time go by quickly. Friends will also push you to walk further, even if you are ready to quit, grab a friend and set up a walking date. This will get both of you out of the house and moving. Walking helps you to think more clearly. Discussing issues with a friend will also help you to solve problems easier. Combine this with the health benefits of walking and you will become a problem solving walking machine in no time.


Create a playlist of upbeat music to walk to. If you listen to music with a higher tempo, you will walk faster without even realizing it. Uptempo music tends to make your heart race faster and gets your adrenaline flowing. You will reach your exercise heart rate and keep it there while you are walking. Find music that will keep you motivated, faster music keeps your mind active and your feet moving, you will find it easier to get to your goals when you incorporate a little music.

Walking Shoes


If you are using cheap, uncomfortable shoes, walking will be very painful. Make sure you have comfortable shoes that support your feet and ankles. If you have shoes that hurt your feet, you will feel each and every agonizing step. Investing in good quality walking shoes that are comfortable, the right size, (and even cute) will give you a little pep in your step, and keep you from injuring yourself. Another great reason to invest in good shoes is they will keep you from fatiguing as quickly as a pair of old worn out shoes will. In other words less strain on the muscles means less pain the next day.

Complete a Virtual 5k

Maybe you don’t want to participate in a big, fancy 5k that has walkers/runners in tutus and superhero capes. Anxiety about being in large groups of people may keep some from venturing out to complete one of these. That’s okay. If you like helping others while you get into shape, you can participate in a Virtual 5k. A Virtual 5k will allow you to raise money for a charity. I don't know about you but I have gone out of my way to help others and this is just another way to help someone less fortunate than myself. These virtual 5k's are just the push I need finish the race, because, well, people donated money and I want that money to go to a good cause. You have to do it, your motivation here is that you have other people counting on you. That motivation will help you to make it through your walk without any trouble at all.

Walking Location

Location, location, location

Find a peaceful place that has beautiful scenery. You can get so caught up in your surroundings, while looking at the trees, wildlife, or mountains. The view like music will help you forget about the walk itself. You will walk further and longer enjoying the beauty surrounding you.


Reward yourself! When you set goals and meet (or exceed) them, reward yourself. No, don’t get a hot fudge sundae, but you can reward yourself with non-food items or healthier choices like fro-yo. Everyone is different and have different ways to motivate themselves. You may want to get a manicure or pedicure; perhaps you want to get a new pair of shoes or even workout leggings. Whatever it is that will motivate you, set a goal, and when you reach it, reward yourself.

Speed Walking

There are apps you can put on your phone that will track not only how far you go but how quickly you get there. Set a path and then allow the app to show you know the speed and distance you are walking. Next, try to beat your time, you are in a race against yourself so no matter what you are going to win 🙂 You will begin to notice that you are walking faster and further than when you started.


Using the Treadmill

Some people prefer to be out and about while others enjoy being inside on the treadmill. If you have tried walking outdoors and that isn’t your cup of tea, jump on a treadmill and see if that’s a better fit. If you have tried walking on the treadmill and it wasn’t for you, take a walk outside and see if the change makes a difference for you. Everyone is different, and you may enjoy one more than the other. If you have pain while walking, try using an elliptical or riding a bicycle, both of these will allow you to keep moving even with knee or ankle issues. These machines allow you to continue to move without the impact of running or walking.

Get Paid to Walk

There are a few apps out there that use money to motivate you to get into shape. Money is a great motivator and can help make walking a habit in your life. Here is a list of apps that pay you to lose weight. Initially, using an app to get you moving will help you to build the habit. As time goes on the apps will help you to keep going even on those days when you don’t feel like walking, knowing that you can earn a little change while exercising can help to get you through the hard times.

Stay Motivated

Regardless of your motivation, there are unlimited numbers of ways to get yourself going and walking, without it feeling like a chore. Figure out what works best for you, use that method to keep yourself motivated and meeting (exceeding) your goals.

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