
Hydration Challenge

Water is an Essential Part of Everyday Health

Our bodies are comprised of nearly 60% water. Our heart and brain are nearly 75% water and our lungs are close to 85% water. Water is responsible for the regulation of our body temperature, the removal of waste, and our brain function. Water is an essential part of our everyday health.

How does water help our bodies?

Water is responsible for a variety of bodily functions. From producing saliva and sweat to helping us eliminate waste, nearly every system in our bodies relies on water in one way or another.

Water helps regulate our mood and the health of our skin- Hydration is key to proper brain function and the health of tissues in our bodies. Keeping hydrated helps avoid headaches, muscle soreness, and joint pain. Hydrated bodies have glowing skin due to increased collagen production.

Water helps your body fight off illnesses

Water helps fight off illness and keep your blood healthy- Water helps defend against certain illnesses and prevents common medical problems like kidney stones, hypertension, constipation, and more. Drinking the recommended daily amount of water helps your blood circulate oxygen throughout your body. This helps your organs and tissues stay healthy.

Water helps boost energy and lose weight- Hydration can help boost your metabolism which helps you generate and burn energy more efficiently. This helps increase your activity level and gives you longer-lasting energy. Water helps curb your appetite and helps you digest your food. This aids in the absorption of your food and the elimination of waste.

How much water do we need each day?

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine encourage men to consume 125 ounces of water per day and women to consume 91 ounces per day. That might seem like a lot, but it’s actually manageable and can come from a variety of sources.

Drinking water throughout the day can help you reach your goals. There are also many foods that have high water content which can help you reach your target for the day.

Simple things like eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables help to increase your water intake. Keeping a water bottle filled and handy helps your water consumption too. Making water a staple beverage for every meal will help ensure you get at least 8 or more ounces of water with each meal. Before you know it, you’ll have reached your water needs without much effort.

Water is an essential part of everyday health. Our bodies are mostly water as are many whole foods. Drinking water and consuming healthy foods with high water content will help ensure your body stays hydrated and operating at its peak.

Keeping your Body Well Hydrated Just Got Easier

Eat Fruits and Veggies they are loaded with water

Knowing the value of hydration intellectually is different than staying hydrated practically. We may understand the value of hydration but might have a tough time consuming the recommended daily amount of water each and every day. The general recommendation for water consumption for men is 125 ounces of water per day for men and 91 ounces for women.

First off, the guidelines are there to encourage drinking the proper amount of water to ensure hydration and optimal body function. That doesn’t mean falling short is going to hurt your body, it simply means drinking the daily recommendation is ideal. Some people find it difficult to consume that much water each day and resist it. In the beginning, consuming a lot of water might be a struggle but as with many things, the more you do it the easier it becomes.

Starting out drinking a 32-ounce glass of water three times a day can feel like you’re about to drown. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to consume water that don’t feel overwhelming. Here are some easy ways to consume water that will keep you hydrated and happy.

Add water to every mealtime- Adding an 8-oz glass of water to each meal will help you consume 24-ounces of water without a second thought. Drinking water with your meals also reduces your caloric intake for the day and is the perfect beverage to help you digest food properly.

Check the checkout counter Most checkout counters at box stores have refrigerated units offering beverages and snacks. Make a point to grab a water bottle and you’ll easily consume 12 to 16 extra ounces of water at a time.

Load up on fruits and veggies- Many fruits and vegetables have high water content and that counts towards your water consumption for the day. Veggies like cucumbers are high in water content as are fruits like grapes and melon.

Grab water through the drive-thru When you visit your favorite coffee spot or drive-thru. Ask for water to go with your order. Most places offer complimentary water which makes it affordable and easy to get more water on the go.

Consuming the recommended daily quota of water is easier than you think. There are plenty of ways to make getting enough water fast and easy. The more attention you pay to water consumption the easier it will be. Before long, you’ll be regularly meeting your goals and seeing and feeling the difference in your life.

Hydrate your Skin with These 3 Products

Water helps to hydrate your skin

One of the best ways to have skin that glows with hydration is to moisturize inside and out. Drinking plenty of water and eating foods with high water content helps your skin radiate, plus look and feel healthy. Additionally, taking care of your skin from the outside helps it stay moisturized and protected.

Skin is one of the largest organs of the body. Its main functions are to protect, regulate our temperature, and create sensations. Taking care of our skin is important because it is subject to illness, injury, and disease like any other part of the body. One of the keys to keeping skin healthy is hydration.

There are a lot of products on the market that help keep skin hydrated and healthy. Before choosing products that are right for you, it’s important to know that there’s a difference between hydration and moisturizing and that they go hand in hand.

Hydrating is the act of adding hydration to the skin. Moisturizing refers to keeping the hydration in the skin and preventing evaporation- which is a natural occurrence in our skin. Creating a barrier that reduces evaporation helps keep the skin hydrated longer. Take a look at three products that help keep your skin hydrated…and moisturized.

Sunscreen- It might seem like a broken record, but sunscreen is vital for keeping skin safe from the damaging effects of the sun and the atmosphere. Generally speaking, sunscreen and moisturizers have been considered two different products but there is controversy over which of the products should be applied first- sunscreen or moisturizer. One way to circumvent the controversy is to apply a moisturizer with SPF. Find a product that is right for your skin type, age, and activity level as each of these are factors in what type of SPF is right for you as well as what sort of moisturizer your skin needs.

Body Lotion- Our bodies develop natural oils that help keep our skin moisturized. Taking baths and showers can strip oils and leave skin dry. Our bodies also naturally shed skin cells and rely on moisture to create new cells keeping skin young. Body lotion can help hydrate and moisturize skin so it can heal and repair itself. Look for lotions that have hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and proteins to help stay hydrated.

Face masks- Face masks are great for directing concentrated ingredients into your skin. They allow your pores to soak up the products and get a concentration of product at one time. There are a wide variety of masks and some dermatologists recommend sheet masks over cream varieties. Sheet masks tend to be very hydrating whereas other masks focus on other skincare needs like acne, dryness, or anti-aging.

Your skin is important and can be at great risk of losing moisture if you’re not careful. Products like sunscreen, body lotion, and face masks all help increase and lock in moisture so you feel healthy and look great.
Top Tips for Drinking More Water

Drinking water can feel like a chore when you aren’t used to it. Knowing your body needs so much water each day to stay healthy can feel overwhelming if you’re used to consuming other beverages. Most people don’t want to give up their favorite drinks in exchange for water. It helps when you take it slow and switch things up to increase your water intake.

Everyone likes tips and tricks to make learning new things easier. Thankfully, there are tips and tricks for consuming more water. Take a look at these and you’ll be consuming the recommended amount of water you need with ease.

Top tip #1. Create a routine. Creating a routine for drinking water can help you commit to consuming more. Start by having a glass of water each morning before your coffee or morning meal. Designate a special glass and keep it handy just for your water. If the glass is out and in eyesight, you’re more likely to use it.

Top tip #2. Get an app. There are apps that help you drink more water. Apps like Hydro Coach, WaterMinder, and Aqualert help you get the right amount of water throughout the day. The apps include gentle reminders and helpful tips that make consuming enough water effortless.

Top tip #3. Get a bottle. Hydromate and other companies offer BP Free plastic bottles that are designed to help drinkers consume half a gallon or a gallon of water per day by labeling their bottles with markings that include the time and the amount of water to drink. Simply fill and go and you have all the water you need for an entire day in one easy-to-carry bottle.

Top tip #4. 32 ounces each meal. By pouring a 32-ounce glass of water for each meal you can easily consume all of your water for the day in three sittings. Any deficit will be made up by eating fruits and veggies with high water content.

Top Tip #5. Cut out dehydrating food and beverages. Hydration is lost to evaporation and foods that drain water from your system. Alcohol and soda both zap water from your system. High salt foods and over-processed foods also rob your body of hydration. Limit or eliminate these foods to help you keep as much hydration as possible.

There are lots of ways to consume water without feeling overwhelmed. Consider any of these tips and you’ll see an improvement in the frequency and consistency you have getting enough proper hydration day in and day out.

Delicious Foods with High Water Content

Hydration is important. Well-hydrated bodies stay healthier, have less pain, and function better. Drinking water is an excellent way to hydrate, but it’s not the only way. Eating healthy water-rich foods is an excellent way to increase water intake and help keep our bodies hydrated.

Mother Nature has provided plenty of fruits and vegetables that are mostly water, which means you get hydrating benefits from consuming foods you love. Here are some of the top fruits and veggies to choose from the next time you need a boost of hydration.

Cucumbers- Cucumbers have the highest water content of any vegetable at nearly 97%. Cucumbers are a great source of potassium. Cucumbers are wonderful by themselves or used in salads. Many ethnic recipes include cucumber which offers a wide range of ways to enjoy their taste and benefits. Cucumber is often used to infuse water for people who do not enjoy the taste of plain water.

Celery- Celery is a low-calorie, fiber-rich food that happens to be over 95% water. Celery is used in cooking or raw as a snack. It can be paired with other foods to enhance the nutritional value. Try pairing with nut butter for protein and adding raisins for additional fiber.

Lettuce- Most lettuce is well over 95% water. The wide varieties of lettuce make consuming water as easy as making your favorite salad. Use Romain lettuce as a base for a scrumptious Creaser salad. Chop some Iceberg lettuce and toss with other water-rich veggies for a tasty and hydrating salad.

Watermelon- This seasonal fruit is a showstopper when it comes to hydration. Watermelon is tasty enough to eat all by itself and is a mainstay at summer BBQs. Since our bodies lose water from sweating and evaporation, having a water-dense fruit on hand helps restore hydration.

Strawberries- Not only do strawberries help with hydration, but they also help combat free radicals in our system. Eating strawberries helps with fiber intake and coupled with the high vitamin C benefits, they offer a lot of benefits in a little red berry. Berries are great tossed in a summer salad, added to your favorite desserts, or eaten right from the plant- they can’t be beaten.

Water is an excellent source of hydration, but you can get great benefits from fruits and vegetables too. Increase your water intake by choosing fresh whole foods for your plate and you’ll stay hydrated and healthy.

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