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Steak and Onion Tacos

Steak and Onion Tacos

  • Author: Sara


Makes 8 tacos



medium onion
1 lb steak slices
½ oz  taco seasoning
8 (6-inch) flour tortillas
all-purpose flour
kosher salt & ground pepper
neutral oil


Preheat the oven to 400º

When the oven is at temperature, put the flour tortillas in for about 5 minutes, keeping an eye on them so they don’t burn.

In a medium bowl, combine 1 Tbsp taco seasoning, 1 tsp flour, and a pinch of salt and pepper with the steak. Coat the steak in the seasoning and set aside.

Slice onions into strips and sauté until lightly cooked.

Add the steak mixture to the onions, breaking the steak up into 2″ pieces. Cook until it’s cooked through and browned, about 3 – 5 minutes.

Throw the taco meat into the shells with your toppings and enjoy!