
Sweet or Savory Crepes

Pancakes are one of my favorite dishes. I am a breakfast fanatic but I needed a way to enjoy the delightful taste of pancakes but healthier. The answer is Crepes.

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Are crepes sweet or savory?

Both!! One of the best things about crepes is you can make them sweet like a dessert of savory for a wrap for veggies, or your favorite protein. Crepes are fantastic for dinner, a light lunch, or my favorite breakfast. They are extremely versatile and you will find a host of uses for them.

Crepes are super easy to make and do not add as many points as regular pancakes or traditional flour wraps can.

Quick Tips

To make sweet crepes add vanilla and sugar to the batter, for savory dishes omit these two ingredients and enjoy. Experiment with them you can come up with thousands of different combinations that are sure to please your tastebuds.

Ideas for making savory dishes

Crepes are ideal for adding a light touch to a heavier meal. Use them as wraps for strips of beef or pork. Add garlic to the batter for a savory treat. I like to use them to make chicken breast wraps with sauteed green and red peppers, delicious. Add a mint leaf or a dash of cinnamon to your savory dish for a tasty twist.

Ideas for making dessert crepes

For a quick easy dessert wrap, a crepe around some fresh cut strawberries topped with a light whipped topping. Add Nice Cream and fresh-cut fruit to end the night on a sweet note.

What do I pair with crepes?

Whether you are making them savory or sweet you can pair crepes with just about any dish that requires a bread source. They can be used alongside pork chops or a beef roast. Though I would prefer these cheddar bay biscuits to crepes with beef roast. When making crepes for breakfast you can add a light cream cheese with a dash of cinnamon for an easy breakfast paired with turkey sausage links

Can you freeze crepes?

Yes, you can! To store leftover crepes place a stack of cooked, cooled crepes (between layers of wax paper or paper towels) inside a heavy-duty zip-top plastic bag. 

Refrigerate up to five days, or freeze up to two months. If frozen, thaw in the refrigerator. Remove stack from the bag, and reheat in a microwave at HIGH for 15 seconds.

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Bacon and Eggs Spinach Wrap

More Weight Watchers Dessert Ideas

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Points are for the crepes only

BLUE PLAN: 2 Points

GREEN PLAN: 4 Points


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Sweet or Savory Crepes

  • Author: Kevin Smiley
  • Yield: 8 crepes 1x



Batter Ingredients:

6 large eggs

3 T. half and half

2 T. extra virgin olive oil

Non-stick cooking spray

Fillings: (as pictured)


6 oz. goat cheese

12 grape tomatoes, sliced

6 oz. white mushrooms, sliced and sautéed

2 T. fresh basil, chopped

3 T. sliced green onion, green part only

Sea salt and black pepper, to taste


6 oz. fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced

1 pint heavy whipping cream*

12 T. real maple syrup

1 c. balsamic vinegar

* Directions for maple whipped cream and balsamic glaze are included below.


Combine eggs, half and half, and olive oil in a large bowl and whisk until smooth. If desired, season batter with savory or sweet ingredients as described above.


Lightly spray a 10” non-stick skillet with non-stick cooking spray and set over medium-low heat. (You may want to adjust heat up slightly to just below medium).


Pour ¼ cup of egg batter into pre-heated skillet and swirl pan to evenly coat the bottom with a thin layer. If any holes appear, add a little more batter to fill. Cover pan and cook until egg batter begins to set, approximately 2-3 minutes. Do not overcook.


Once set, gently loosen the edges with a silicon spatula and flip the crepe, being careful to not break or tear it in the process. Cook for one minute more and remove crepe from pan. Repeat with remaining batter.


Place desired filling ingredients in the center of each crepe and fold over both sides to cover. Serve immediately and enjoy!



To Make Maple Whipped Cream:


In a large glass bowl, blend 1 pint of heavy whipping cream with a hand or immersion blender until it doubles in size and changes texture. Then, drizzle maple syrup into the bowl and continue blending until the mixture is light and fluffy. Set aside.


To Make the Balsamic Glaze:


Heat 1 cup of good balsamic vinegar over medium-high heat until it begins to boil. Reduce heat and simmer until the liquid is reduced to about 1/3 of its original volume, stirring continually. When the liquid becomes thick and syrupy, it is ready to use. Cool slightly before using.

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