
Weight Watchers Friendly Jalapeno Poppers – 1 Point for 2

One thing I never seem to stop missing is fried food. Sticking to my Weight Watchers lifestyle is important, so this is where my Air Fryer has come in handy! I use it almost every day and it has saved me SO many points.

Weight Watchers Jalapeno Poppers

These WW jalapeno poppers are sure to hit the spot every time! Whether it's Game Day or just another Friday night, enjoy them with zero guilt.

BLUE PLAN: 1 Point



weight watchers jalapeno poppers

WEIGHT WATCHERS Blue Plan: 1 Point for 2 halves*

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These jalapeno poppers are so delicious, it's hard to believe it's only 1 point for 2 of them! On the Blue Plan

weight watchers jalapeno poppers
weight watchers jalapeno poppers
weight watchers jalapeno poppers

*The deal with fat-free cheese is that 1/4 cup is 0 points. You're using 4 servings for the entire batch, so if you eat the whole batch you will need to calculate points for the full cup… but as long as you only eat 1 serving, it's 2 jalapeno halves for 1 point.

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Weight Watchers Friendly Jalapeno Poppers


  • 8 large jalapeños
  • 8 oz fat free cream cheese
  • 8 oz fat free shredded cheese (I used cheddar)
  • 1 tsp crushed red pepper
  • 1 tsp garlic
  • 1 tsp salt


  1. Preheat oven or air fryer. I used an air fryer at 425*F.
  2. Slice jalapenos in half lengthwise. Scrape out insides, reserving some seeds for the mix if you like them extra hot.
  3. Combine all other ingredients. If cream cheese was softened, you should be able to mix with a spoon or fork. If not, use a mixer.
  4. Fill jalapeno halves with cream cheese mixture.
  5. Air fry or bake for about 8-10 minutes or until cheese is bubbly on top.
  6. Allow to cool a bit before serving for best results.

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7 thoughts on “Weight Watchers Friendly Jalapeno Poppers – 1 Point for 2”

  1. These were phenomenal! I made them yesterday and invited my son over for dinner. He loved them! And super easy to make! Thank you!

  2. Trying to figure out how to print this recipe….

    • Copy and paste for now, I will try to find a plugin that does printable recipes. 🙂

  3. Can you do this in an oven as well? 🙂

    • Yes you can 🙂 Watch them so you don’t overcook them.


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