
Weight Watchers Meal Plan for 23 Points a Day (Week #1)

One of the number one topics in the Weight Watchers groups I'm in is meal plans, especially for those who only get 23 points each day. With the extensive list of zero point foods, technically we could do zero point days and still get all the nutrients we need. But Weight Watchers is about living life, and not having to be on a DIET.

“Healthi formerly iTrackbites is an alternative to Weight Watchers. “

Check out my other low point meal plans while you're here.

Weight Watchers Meal Plan for 23 Points a Day

Weight Watchers Meal Plan for 23 Points a Day

I've created these free meal plans for Weight Watchers to help you stay on track and to help motivate you in case you've fallen off the wagon as we all do from time to time. Taking the guesswork out of meal prep and planning is the goal here. Please leave your comments and questions below, and I'll try to answer them!

Related: Low Point Dressings

If you get more than 23 points, awesome! Simply add in some extra Weight Watchers snacks, cook with healthy fats to add points, or add nuts or other high point items in moderation to enhance the flavor and point value of your meals. Heck, you could even have one of these low point alcoholic drinks. My favorite is the margarita.

And, if you only get 23 points but still want that drink, go ahead and have it! Just fill up on zero point foods for one of your meals, so you don't go over your points. Or, use your weeklies if you have any left. I've had the best results with Weight Watchers when I eat my weeklies. Read this post to find out if you should eat your weeklies.

Weight Watchers Point System

If you're new to Weight Watchers, you may not know how the points work. Start with this list of zero point foods, and build your day from there. If Weight Watchers isn't in the budget, try iTrackBites It's a super cheap version of the Weight Watchers app, but you can choose ANY plan instead of only being able to do the Freestyle program. If you choose to do PointsPlus or SmartPoints, there are also many free calculators online.

Keep in mind, there is no Weight Watchers food. This is not a diet. It truly is a lifestyle change, and you can follow it for life, with great success – without depriving yourself.

23 Points a Day Meal Plan

I like to divide my points up evenly between meals on some days and eat higher points in the morning on other days. However, you divide your points up is totally up to you. Feel free to switch some of the days or meals around, or substitute for your favorites. The beauty of Weight Watchers is that it's 110% customizable by you. These plans are just to get you started and to help make your journey easier, especially during those busy weeks.

I allow up to most of my points for snacks and small meals throughout the day because I eat six times a day rather than just three meals. Because of this, you'll see the days add up to very few points on average. I like some wiggle room if I want to have ice cream, too.

One of my favorite in-between meal snacks is hard-boiled eggs, which are zero points. This leaves plenty of wiggle room if I want a higher point drink or snack when I go out with friends in the evening.

Servings can be small, so up your point intake by eating a double serving if you're still hungry.

Another thing: I like to utilize leftovers as often as possible! Use my Weight Watchers recipe index to find more recipes if you don't want leftovers.

Weight Watchers not working?
Read about my (successful) Noom experience!

Easy Weight Watchers Meal Plan

I know a lot of you are sick of eggs, so my next meal plan will have some more variety for breakfast ideas.

Monday: Egg Souffle (0FSP) + Spicy Chicken Salad (1 FSP) + Sweet Potato Chili (3 FSP) + Healthy Copycat Cheddar Bay Biscuits (1 FSP)

Ideas: Eat crackers with chicken salad (5 crackers for 2 FSP), top chili with oyster crackers (37 for 2 FSP)

Tuesday: Breakfast Burrito (3 FSP) + Turkey Wraps (4 FSP) + BBQ Chicken Strip Dinner (4 FSP)

Wednesday: Greek Yogurt Pancakes (1 FSP each) + Leftovers Black Bean Sweet Potato Chili (3 FSP) + Sesame Chicken + white rice (3 FSP)

Thursday: Peanut Butter FroYo Bark (1 FSP) + Turkey Burgers with Bacon (4 FSP) + Turkey and Sweet Potatoes (4 FSP) + Garlic Cheddar Biscuits (1 FSP)

Ideas: Serve cloud bread with turkey and sweet potatoes (1 FSP each)

Friday: Cappuccino Oatmeal Muffins (6 FSP) + Sweet and Sour Meatballs (1 FSP each) and rice (3 FSP) + Low Point Sloppy Joes (0 FSP)

Idea: Use 90% lean beef in the Sloppy Joes instead of turkey (4 FSP for 3oz)

Saturday: Spiced Apple Casserole (5 FSP) + Leftovers Turkey and Sweet Potatoes (4 FSP) + Caramelized Onion Soup (FSP)

Ideas: Serve soup with French Bread (up to 5 FSP depending on size) or Cheddar Bay Biscuits (1 FSP) and top with cheese (4 FSP for 1/4 cup, or 0 FSP if you use fat-free)

Sunday: Pomegranate Fruit Salad (1 FSP) + Fiesta Potato Rounds (1 FSP each) and salad (0 FSP)+ Braised Chicken with Mushrooms and Artichokes (4 FSP)

Low Point Weight Watchers Desserts

Because my meal plan is so low in points, I wanted to make sure I included some of my favorite Weight Watchers desserts!

Chocolate Banana Wonton Bites (1 FSP each)
Air Fryer Monkey Bread (3 FSP)

The Instant Pot has been a big help in my wife and me losing weight. Meal planning has been an essential factor in our success with Weight Watchers. We are short on time, so we joined Instant Pot for Weight Loss and it jump started our weight loss in a BIG WAY! If you're intimidated by your electric pressure cooker, this is a way to get over it… fast. 🙂

Also check out my Ultimate Instant Pot Weight Watchers Guide and my 30 day weight loss results with Noom.

Weight Watchers Recipes for Meal Planning

Best Weight Watchers Soups
Instant Pot Weight Watchers Recipes
Weight Watchers Holiday Recipes
Low Point Alcoholic Drinks
Weight Watchers Casserole Recipes
Low Point Weight Watchers Snacks
Weight Watchers Zero Point Recipes
Best Weight Watchers Vegetarian Recipes

Weight Watchers FAQs

Is Weight Watchers Right for Me?
How Can I do a Zero Point Day?
How Do I Choose My Goal Weight
Can I do Intermittent Fasting With Weight Watchers?
Can I Do Keto and Weight Watchers Together?
How Can I Add Protein to My Diet?
What are the Best Weight Watchers Facebook Groups?
How do I Maintain Lifetime?
Should I Eat My Weeklies?
Should I Do In-Person Meetings?
How do I Stay on Track During the Holidays?
How Can I Tell if I'm Really Hungry or Just Bored?
Can I Really Get Paid for Losing Weight?
What are Some FREE Apps Like Weight Watchers?

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21 thoughts on “Weight Watchers Meal Plan for 23 Points a Day (Week #1)”

  1. I love that there is no fish in it, thank you

  2. Need to get motivated giving it a try thanks for sharing

  3. I am so glad I found your blog. These recipes look fantastic and cant wait to try them. Thanks for sharing.

    • IF you would like to see any recipes or need help just ask in the group 🙂 I am glad to have you here I hope I can help you along your journey

    • Thank you for being here I aim to help others achieve their weight loss goals. I truly hope these recipes are as delicious and helpful to you as they are to my family.

  4. Do you have a shopping list created for the meal plans?

    • Not at this time, but that’s a great idea 🙂

  5. Do you email Green points meal plans?

    • Yes, All of our recipes are calculated for all three plans on the myWW program as well as the 6 programs you can utilize if you are using iTrackBites 🙂


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