
WeightWatchers Success Story: How Miranda Lost 35 Pounds in Under a Year

I have been asked and have heard this question asked a lot, in the FB groups I am in as well as in my inbox. How have you been successful on myWW? What are you eating and what did you do? How much weight have you lost? I want to share with you an incredible ongoing journey of one of my WW friends, she answers these questions and more.

How to be Successful on myWW

How to be successful with Weight Watchers

You want to be successful on myWW but you may need some help. Do you want some guidance and some inspiration? My WW friend Miranda has some great tips and I want to showcase her and her journey. Miranda has an incredible story to tell and shares her story with the hope of inspiring you to continue your journey and to persevere and reach your goals.

Miranda Swartz

How to be successful on myWW
You can do it too 🙂

Miranda is an amazing YouTube vlogger who has inspired many to continue on their journey. she has also inspired many to come back to myWW and get going again. I am excited to share her story here with you guys.

 I've always been very athletic. I played high school and college sports. After college, I got really into bodybuilding and competed in the figure and bikini realm of the sport for 7 years. I've never had a weight issue or considered myself overweight even after have competed for many years in bodybuilding I stayed very lean after.

When I turned 30 (about 2 years after I stopped competing) my husband and I were having a difficult time getting pregnant and my dr suggested doing a round of medications to help with hormones. The biggest side effect was weight gain but I thought I would have no effect being that I was tall and slim.
In the 12 weeks, I was on meds, I put on 35 lbs. I didn't change my eating or the way I was working out and it was devastating for me!!!

After the round of meds, I was left heartbroken because I had a lot of hope that they would work and they did not. Not only was I sad and trying to regroup, but I was also now 35lbs heavier. For the whole next year, (2018) I really tried hard to accept my new body. I thought this is just who I am now, the sooner I accept it the quicker I can heal my broken heart.

Miranda Swartz

But carrying the extra weight was just a reminder to me of the hurt. Fast forward to New Years 2019 I decided my New Years' goal was to focus on losing all 35lbs. I decided I didn't care how long it took I was getting rid of it!!! I started counting calories on January 1st but hated it so much that I spent the next couple weeks searching for something better. This is when I stumbled on WW on youtube and really thought “I can do this!!” The appeal of not having to count everything seemed exactly what I was looking for! I thought it could be something lifestyle approaching and not just a diet!

I lost 20lbs in the first 8 weeks and slowly took off another 17lbs in the next 8 months. I was never in a rush to take off the weight but once I realized it was doable to take off all 35lbs in 2019 I didn't look back.

Weight Watchers Success Story
I got back to my goal weight and you can too 🙂

Yesterday I received my “goal” charm at my WW workshop and let me tell ya, it was emotional! I was someone who thought only a year ago I had to accept the body I was in but YOU CAN MAKE CHANGES you just have to be willing to put in the work. Easy is easy but challenges change you!!

What are Your Top Weightloss Tips?

My top 5 tips for weight loss, each of which have helped me significantly, and the ones I always share when helping others are:

#1 Find a plan that works for you and your lifestyle, not just a plan that will make you lose weight the fastest. It has to be sustainable and made into a lifestyle 

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#2 Commit to the plan and don’t give up on yourself. The weight doesn’t come on overnight and you won’t lose it in a day. Consistency consistency consistency. You’ll make mistakes but forgive yourself and push forward!

#3 Drink Water!! We hear it all the time but when you’re in a weight loss phase you’ll be naturally more hungry so drink your water!

Water Changes Everything
Water Changes Everything

#4 Eat your veggies! Veggies are so low calorie whenever you’re hungry make it a habit to reach for veggies. Not only are they filled with good nutrients and fiber, but you can also eat unlimited amounts and still make progress

Eat Your Veggies
Eat Your Veggies

#5 Know your triggers. We all have something that triggers us to overeat. Be aware of what it is and do your best to come up with an alternative until that trigger no longer leads you to overeat said food(s). You can find lower calories or lower point recipes for everything under the sun! It’s time to get cooking!!

Tip #6 Go watch Miranda's YouTube Channel click the subscribe and ring the bell so you can get updated when she has a new video. She always has great meal ideas and meal prep tips.

Tip #7

This is a big one: Never judge ANYONE who wants to lose weight. I have sat through a few WW workshops and felt eyes of judgment on me. And I know I”m not making it up because TODAY when they announced I made goal the leader actually said “Never judge anyone who walks through those doors and think ‘They don’t need to be here’ ”

Miranda Swartz

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